Governance for Climate Change Resolution

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Annual Review of Territorial Governance in Albania, I, 2018, Page 105-121

Rodion Gjoka, Xhesika Hoxha, Kristi Bashmili


A broad assessment of governance and management approaches to the complex and unpredictable context of climate change, as well as the dynamic effects on social, ecological, and atmospheric systems, constitute the core subject matter of this article. In Albania, the impacts of climate change have been felt primarily in the agricultural and energy sector, and are expected to grow in the future (GoA, 2016). Since the ratification of the 2015 Paris Agreement at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (COP) 21, most national governments have adopted measures to lower the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere, which has an impact on the industrial patterns of each country.1 This commitment reflects a new international governance model that seeks to balance ambition, accountability, and transparency with commitments to fairness, equity, justice, and sustainable development goals. Albania has also been attempting to adopt a strategy and legal framework for the past three years, and is in a process of inter-ministerial review of both documents. However, not enough progress has been recorded in terms of implementation and it seems that no dedicated mitigation is taking place. By addressing policy aspects of governance that relate to climate change, in such sectors as cross-boundary, maritime, forestry, agriculture, rural economy, energy, and others, this article will identify the challenges of climate change mitigation and adaption. It will also propose recommendations regarding climate change risks and effects, particularly at the levels of policymaking and implementation.

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