About Co-PLAN

In the early ‘90s, some young Albanian experts, assisted by the specialized Dutch organisations, successfully piloted the first experiences of ‘realistic’ urban planning in some critical areas in Tirana, Albania. This stage, marked the inception of the Institute for Habitat Development, Co-PLAN; despite the resistance and the pressure at the time, Co-PLAN successfully replicated these models in the years to follow, at wider level, to encompass ‘the city’.
The impacting results generated appreciation and praise amongst the international organisations, and a heated political debate in the country; the following histories of success of Co-PLAN’s activity served as an account and solid foundations for building partnerships with the central and local government units. A benchmark moment in the journey of Co-PLAN’s growth was marked by EGUG [Enabling Good Urban Governance] funded by the Dutch government, which served as a reference point for programs of other donors. The growth and progress of Co-PLAN has in fact been a response to the three stages of urban development and governance in Albania, and an effort to precede its problems.  >>