The Publication on the “Regionalisation of Albania” is Out

“The Regionalisation of Albania – The Governance, Administrative and Territorial Reform that Albania needs on a Regional Level” was prepared by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, based on the analytical work conducted in years – at least since 2005. This proposal builds up considerably on the role of Co-PLAN in the frame of the “Regional Development Program in Northern Albania” project, financed by the Donor Agencies of Austria and Switzerland.

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New Practices for Land Management in Albania

In frame of ‘Fostering partnerships for equitable cities – Capacity building for participatory spatial planning’ project, implemented jointly by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, and IHS – Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Rotterdam, a new publication was launched, entitled ‘New Practices for Land Management in Albania’. Similarly to the project, which was funded by the Dutch Government under the MATRA program, the book aims to contribute to capacity building of public institutions and professionals alike, for a better governance. This publication, builds upon and furthers Co-PLAN’s continuous efforts for the implementation of the law ‘On Territorial Planning’. amended recently.

Co-PLAN’s Proposal on the Regionalisation of Albania

Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development based on the analytical work conducted over the years, at least since 2005, and also in line with the role of this organization as part of the ‘Regional Development Program in Northern Albania’ project, is pleased to share with you the proposal: ‘The Regionalisation of Albania: The governance, administrative and territorial reform that Albania needs’. This document reflects the work as presented by Co-PLAN during

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Co-PLAN Staff

Stafi i Co-PLAN-it përbëhet nga ekspertët më të mirë në fushat që përfaqësojnë që me ekspertizën e tyre i shtojnë vlerë organizatës. Ata janë të rinj, energjikë dhe vijnë nga prejardhje të ndryshme duke përfaqësuar më së miri filozofinë e punës së Co-PLAN. Stafi i Co-PLAN është i kualifikuar në disa fusha tematike: menaxhimi urban dhe rajonal, menaxhimi i financave komunale, menaxhimi i mjedisit urban si dhe fushën kërkimore. Një

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