Menaxher Projektesh dhe Ekspert i Mjedisit

  • Friday December 15th, 2023
  • 668

Main Duties and Responsibilities comprise direct engagement with Co-PLAN projects
tackling environmental issues and supporting/contributing to:

  • project planning, execution and monitoring;
  • team management;
  • communication with stakeholders;
  • documentation of processes;
  • project reporting;
  • knowledge and expertise on one or more Green Agenda pillars;
  • designing methodologies and approaches to assist in environmental
  • conservation, sustainable use of land and resources, and advising
  • policymakers on environmental best practices;
  • carrying out site monitoring practices (air, noise, ecosystem services) to
  • determine environmental impacts;
  • collecting and analyzing environmental data;
  • providing capacity-building activities for different stakeholders;
  • identifying and contributing to critical research and acquisition areas such as
  • renewable energy, climate change, etc.

For more information click here.

Application deadline: 29.02.2024, 16:00

All applications should be sent to: dhe, or apply below.

Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis; therefore, the vacancy may close upon selection of a suitable candidate.

Job Category: Expert
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Co-Plan
Job Active: Expired
Sorry! This job has expired.
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