The Environmental Management and Planning Unit built on Co-PLAN’s sensitivity towards the irreversible impact of rapid urban development on the environment. Constant contribution and works within the habitat development framework, conducted by Co-PLAN, have always taken under consideration crucial elements in regard to sustainable development of the ecosystem. We consider Environmental Management and Planning as a crisscross dimension for each of the projects we commit and deliver. Upgrading services delivery standards and capacity building for a better comprehension of environment at an institutional level, were listed as first contributes from Co-PLAN on the field of environmental protection. During the last 15 years these themes expanded towards strategic environmental pacification, environmental impact assessment, ecosystem services evaluation, governing natural resources, energy, etc. Based on our internal strategy, Co-PLAN intensively works on environmental protection, preservation and sustainable development focusing though its expertize on main pillars:
- Institutional Capacity Development for Local and Regional Environmental Management;
- Solid Waste Management;
- Energy Efficiency and Audit;
- Renewable Energies;
- Ecosystem Service Evaluation for Policymaking Purposes;
- Natural Resources Management;
- Common Pool Resources;
- Sustainable Management of Forestry;
- Integrated Planning and Management of River Basins;
- Sustainable Planning of Territory;
- Enhancing & Sustainable Management of Public Services and Infrastructure;
- Environmental Monitoring and Audit through Certified Laboratory;
- Scientific research for policymaking interests;- Consolidating environmental management systems;
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment;
- Environmental Consultancy.
- Planning Local Integrated Waste Management – Guidebook;
- Local and regional Integrated Waste Management Plans;
- Awareness campaigns and participatory processes related to solid waste disposal in informal settlements;
- Preparation of environmental profiles;
- Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) for territorial strategic plans.
- Formulation and implementation of efficient waste collection and transportation schemes for pilot zones within municipalities and communes and for municipalities overall. Such initiatives have incorporated participatory processes and approval from the municipal councils;
- Restructuring and strengthening of municipal solid waste collection enterprises.
- Development of methodologies for cost analysis and tariff establishment;
- Develop the methodology for waste characterization;
- Organize and publish “Study on Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources Potentials in Albania”;
- Design of action plans for renewable energy use in different sectors of the economy;
- Carry out the “Study on energy efficiency and maintenance of public spaces in Tirana region”;
- Carry out “institutional analysis for the public transportation service in the region of Tirana” and recommendations for public transport improvement, through regionalism practices;
- Conducting pre-feasibility studies for the availability of renewable sources of energy, sun, wind, hydro, geothermal and cogeneration as well as various schemes of implementations such as public private partnerships PPP for public services.
- Cost – Benefit analysis for latest technologies enabling RES
- Energy audit for dwellings.
- Environmental Policies and recommendations for their further improvement on a national and European LEVEL.
- Design of home-office and home-school displacement plans;
- Environmental Audit, Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment.
- Environmental Laboratory – Surface waters analysis, soil, air, noise etc.
- Regional Environmental Networks such as Env.NET, SEERmap, Energy Community.
- Ecosystem services evaluation according to various methodologies
- Establishing participatory governing models for natural resources
A. Supporting Municipalities for Solid Waste Management
- Analysis of existing system of municipal waste management capacities;
- Assistance to municipal solid waste management enterprises in strengthening their in institutional basis;
- Preparation of integrated solid waste management plans at the municipal and regional levels;
- Waste commixture analysis;
- Full cost accounting and tariff establishment for solid waste service provisions;
- Elaboration of strategies for tariff-based cost recovery mechanisms;
- Consolidation of monitoring practices
- Rehabilitation of Hot-Spots
B. Promoting Energy efficiency and RES
- Design and development of decentralized energy production strategies, particularly focusing on the potential of renewable energy sources (RES);
- Action plans aimed at promoting renewable energy projects;
- Conducting pre-feasibility and feasibility studies regarding solar-, wind-, hydro-, biomass-, geothermic and SCHP-based renewable energy sources;
- Cost–Benefit Analyses for new RES-based technologies;
- Energy auditing and surveys in residential buildings
- Analysis for Energy Systems & Infrastructures – Upgrade with latest efficient technology
C. Conducting EMS, EIA/SEA
- Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment – Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment / Public Hearings;
- Environmental policy recommendations;
- Environmental Management System EMS for Municipalities;
- Environmental audits (Environmental Lab);
- Environmental Impact Assessment (Permit types A-B-C)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment. (Environmental Declaration)
- Periodic Environmental Monitoring
D. Plans & Studies for Public Infrastructure Improvement
- Water Supply and Sustainable utilization of natural springs
- Waste Water Collection and Treatment
- Rain water drainage for urban and rural areas and further re-use
- Public Light Infrastructure
E. Support to Municipalities for natural resources and public assets management.
- Revitalization of public green areas and degraded areas
- Cleaning – Washing and Disinfestation / City Hygiene
- Maintenance and efficient operation of Public Assets
- Urban and Rural Environmental Monitoring
- Ecosystem services evaluation
Below you can find key publications regarding this unit:
- Strategic Environmental Assessment – Municipalities of Berat, Fier, Elbasan, Lushnje, Kuçovë.
- Local Pacification for Integrated Waste Management – Manual
- Renewable Energies Potential Evaluation Study for Albania
- Practical Guide Book – Energy Efficiency
- Urban Development and Environmental Requalification