GreenFORCE, Foster Research Excellence for Green Transition in the Western Balkans

GreenFORCE, is an EU-Horizon2020 funded project, aiming at fostering excellence in the “Western Balkans’ green transition” scientific research and innovation of Co-PLAN (Albania), CEA (North Macedonia), and UB-GEF (Serbia), as a means to enhancing their research profile, strengthening research and management capacities of their staff, and contributing to convergence between Western Balkans (WB) and EU research capacities.This objective is reached through the twinning partnership of five organizations that will work closely to produce territorial knowledge through exploratory research and institutional learning; will transfer and exchange knowledge among partner organizations through applying the knowledge management cycle; and will engage in networking for sharing, cross-fertilizing and amplifying knowledge at the societal level.

Ultimately, the ambition is to transcend from individual learning to enabling institutional learning, making sure that research and research management practices become institutionalized within the recipient organizations.

GreenFORCE will contribute to the impacts of the destination “Improved access to excellence” by enabling pathways of cooperation, exchange, co-design, co-creation with academia, civil society and policy-makers at the regional level.

For more information on the project visit official website.

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