Dialogue among the SEE Cities

Tirana, June 2012 – 90 participants from eight different South-East Eauropean (SEE) states were brought together to a workshop on Urban Planning and Land Managementwith a focus on modernizing legal and regulatory framework for spatial and land use planning in SEE. The workshop was organized by the World Bank Institute, as part of the City-to-City  (C2C) Dialogues, which is an incentive under the WB-Austria Urban Partnership Program (UPP) launched  in December 2011. The overarching objective of the C2C is to facilitate a dialogue and peer-learning among city practitioners.

The Story of the 4 Apartments

Four stories of four apartments in Tirana, two from the communist period, 1950/90’s and two constructed after 1990’s, were at the center of an exhibition organized in the premises of Polis University, displaying and analyzing functional changes, how they have influenced on the users quality of life and how are they related with the general conditions in the society in that period. This exhibition is a section of a broader research: “Quality of life change the quality of space”, conducted in cooperation with Co-Plan Institute for habitat development, through the project of research studies on the topic of “The Typology of Albanian Housing in its Balkan Context”.

New Practices for Land Management in Albania

In frame of ‘Fostering partnerships for equitable cities – Capacity building for participatory spatial planning’ project, implemented jointly by Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, and IHS – Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Rotterdam, a new publication was launched, entitled ‘New Practices for Land Management in Albania’. Similarly to the project, which was funded by the Dutch Government under the MATRA program, the book aims to contribute to capacity building of public institutions and professionals alike, for a better governance. This publication, builds upon and furthers Co-PLAN’s continuous efforts for the implementation of the law ‘On Territorial Planning’. amended recently.

Territorial Reform – Roundtable

Tirana, March 11, 2014 – The Minister of State for Local Government in cooperation with the Regional Development Program in Northern Albania, and Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development organized a roundtable of discussions: The regionalization of Albania – the Governance, Territorial and Administrative Reform needed in Albania on a regional level. The roundtable which brought together representatives on a central governance level, donor organizations, and field experts, focused on the need for an intermediary tier of governance, the proposed model, and the aim and functions it ought to be fulfilling.

Co-PLAN Staff

At Co-PLAN, people like a good challenge, they are among the best experts in the fields they represent, and add valuable experience and professionalism Co-PLAN. Our experts are young, energetic, and come from different backgrounds, which represents best the work philosophy of Co-PLAN. Co-PLAN staff is qualified in several thematic areas: urban and regional management, municipal finance management, urban environmental management, and research. Most of our staff have completed their

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Lançimi i Projektit TEMPUS – DAPEEWB

Lançimi i Projektit TEMPUS – DAPEEWB

  • Thursday June 12th, 2014
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test3Universiteti POLIS, Shkolla e Arkitekturës dhe Politikave të Zhvillimit Urban në Tiranë, sjell për të parën herë në 22 vjet në Shqipëri programin TEMPUS të manaxhuar nga një institucion shqiptar. Së bashku me 10 parterë nga rajoni dhe vende anëtare të Bashkimit Evropian, Gjermania, Hollanda, Portugalia dhe Sllovakia, Universiteti POLIS do të punojë për zhvillimin e arsimit profesional fushën e efiçencës së energjisë. Rektori I Universitetit POLIS, Prof. Dr. Besnik Aliaj, falenderoi të gjithë parterët në sjelljen e këtij projekti kaq të rëndësishëm për të parën herë në Shqipëri nën drejtimin e një institucioni shqiptar, duke provuar që në jemi gati për sfida të tilla në arsim.

Inspired by DUTCH Design Competition

  • Thursday June 12th, 2014
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In the framework of Tirana Architecture Week – [En]Visioning Future Cities, Albanian Netherlands Alumni Association, POLIS University and Co-Plan financed by the Netherlands Embassy in Tirana, Albania are organizing a product design competition. The purpose of this Product Design Competition is to  create a small, smart, and functional product designed and inspired by renowned Dutch Design. The winner will be chosen out in  early October 2014. The winning design will be exhibited together with the 10 best finalist designs  during  Tirana Architecture Week – [En]Visioning Future Cities.