
A brief review of work history and partnerships Co-PLAN, founded on the principles of collaborative planning, has been at the forefront of originating participatory planning as a cornerstone for urban good governance in Albania. Its journey began in Tirana, where it embarked on pioneering projects in areas like Bathore and Breglumas, establishing the first-ever pilot urban upgrading projects with a combined social physical approach. These initiatives marked a significant shift

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‘SPARKs: Supporting Civic Activism and Advocacy Initiatives in Albania’

‘SPARKs: Supporting Civic Activism and Advocacy Initiatives in Albania’

The project ‘SPARKs: Supporting Civic Activism and Advocacy Initiatives in Albania’ (hereinafter referred to as SPARK) implemented by Co- PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development, tackles the need to expand and strengthen the community of activists in Albania by enhancing their internal capacities to monitor, analyze, and undertake concrete actions contributing to tangible change to their communities or groups they represent. SPARK aims to promote  and spread the culture of activism

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Green-AL  “Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organizations 2024 – 2027”

Green-AL “Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organizations 2024 – 2027”

Green-AL “Supporting Environmental Civil Society Organizations 2024 – 2027” aims to expand on the knowledge, insight and achievements of Green-AL  “Empower Grass-Root CSOs for Improved Innovative Environmental Protection in Albania”, while directing its focus into the further empowerment of CSOs in Albania, towards tackling three main themes: Climate, Pollution and Nature. Its main objective is to nurture and further empower Albanian environmental CSOs for effective participation and contribution vis a vie

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CROSS-REIS – CROSS-Disciplinary Network for Research Excellence in Regenerative Economy Innovation Eco-Systems

CROSS-REIS – CROSS-Disciplinary Network for Research Excellence in Regenerative Economy Innovation Eco-Systems

CROSS-REIS is an EU-Horizon funded project, that aims to raise excellence in science and value creation through deeper and geographically inclusive cooperation in an alliance of higher education and research institutions in 5 widening and 4 science-leading European countries, to support the shift towards a regenerative economy paradigm. Global competitiveness and visibility of the HE institutions in widening countries are to be improved by creating critical knowledge and research mass

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